For any questions about the apartment or the city, including precise availability and pricing, click below or email to that address. Please note dates you are interested in, number of people in your party, whether you want one apartment or both (and, if one apartment, which one you prefer).
Availability changes constantly and rather than post information that may not be accurate at the time of your inquiry, please contact us to ask about the apartment(s) that interest you. We’ll work hard to find something that suits.

If you are staying in one of our apartments and need to contact us, or have questions prior to rental, here are our contact numbers.
When he is in NYC, you can reach John at:
[or if you are calling from Budapest
06 1 555 9177 will ring him in NYC]
When he is in Budapest, John can be reached at:
+36 20 945 1679
For taxi arrangements to and from airport , train, etc. Alajos can be reached by phone or SMS at:
+36 20 574 4546
In an emergency, if you can’t reach any of us...Eliane and Gyorgy are a repository of limitless Budapest knowledge and advice, and generally know how to find us as well. They can be reached via email (just say John Farago mentioned their name) at:
•Eliane Pickermann:
•Gyorgy Karpati: